Let’s Go! | Teaching Kids About Missions

Let’s Go! | Teaching Kids About Missions


Let’s Go!
Teaching Kids About Missions

God tells his church to go proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. In this six-part series, children will learn a Biblical basis for world missions through interactive lessons about Abraham, Jonah, The Great Commission, The Church, and the Apostle Paul. Each lesson includes a memory verse, coloring page, Bible lesson, missions activities, and game ideas. After each lesson, the children will hear about real-life missionaries from around the world through the stories of Nate Saint, Dr. Ida Scudder, Eric Liddell, Dr. Bob Foster, and others.

This free missions Bible lesson series will help children learn:

  • Where the idea of missions came from and why it’s important.
  • What the gospel is and how to share it with others.
  • What it means to be a witness for Jesus.
  • Practical ways children can be involved in world missions.
  • 6 memory verses to build a missions mindset.
  • 6 missions stories from around the world.
  • The need and the call for future missionaries.

These lessons are easily adaptable for various teaching situations with each of the six lessons containing enough content for about 90 minutes of interactive teaching time. There is also easily enough material in these six lessons to spread out the content and use it for six weeks of family devotions. You could also use this series in Vacation Bible School by using the 1st lesson in the series for a VBS kick-off lesson the Sunday before VBS begins and then using the remaining 5 lessons during your VBS week. Or you could teach the first 5 lessons during your Vacation Bible School and then use the 6th lesson as a finale during Sunday School or Children’s Church on the Sunday AFTER your VBS concludes.

In addition to the 40+ printable visuals and 40+ PPT slides included with this download, free full-length missionary stories are also available if you want to teach children more about the missionaries who are introduced in this series.


Lesson Overviews

Lesson 1: From the beginning, God’s plan has been to show his love by sending his Son to be the Savior of the world. In the promises he made to Abraham we can see God’s love for the world as he commanded Abraham to GO and become a blessing for all the nations of the earth. In this lesson, children will learn about God’s great rescue plan and be challenged to be part of what God is doing by responding to the gospel and sharing it with others, both at home and around the world. After the lesson, children will hear the missionary story of St. Patrick, a missionary to Ireland.

Lesson 2: One Old Testament story that gloriously shows God’s heart of mercy is the story of Jonah and the Ninevites. God told a very reluctant Jonah to go and give Nineveh a warning about their upcoming destruction. A sea voyage and a big fish later, Jonah delivered the message. To his dismay, the Ninevites repented! Jonah had a pity party for himself. How dare God be SO merciful?! But he is. This lesson helps children see just how much God loves to save sinners like you, me, and the world. After the lesson, children will hear the missionary story of Nate Saint, a missionary to Latin America.

Lesson 3: “Go and make disciples of all nations…” This command isn’t just for the disciples 2,000+ years ago, and it’s not just for pastors and missionaries. In this lesson, children will learn that Jesus gave ALL Christians a special mission of spreading the gospel around the world. Through the eyes of the disciples, children will learn about what it means to both be a disciple and to make disciples of all nations. Pray for God to use the children you teach to obey Jesus by proclaiming his good news. After the lesson, children will hear the missionary story of Eric Liddell, a missionary to China.

Lesson 4: The book of Acts is the story of the early church obeying Jesus’ command to “go into all the world and preach the gospel.” In this lesson, children will hear stories of those early Christians and also learn the truth that God is the one who helps Christians share the gospel. Children will be challenged to take the good news to those around them with the help of the Holy Spirit who empowers them to be witnesses for Christ. After the lesson, children will hear the missionary story of Dr. Ida Scudder, a missionary to India.

Lesson 5: The jungle, the desert, the islands, your school, your city, and your home are all places where people need to hear about Jesus. How will they hear? God tells us to go proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. This lesson will help children learn that Christians are God’s agents for spreading the gospel around the globe. From the example of the Apostle Paul children will see what it looks like to be a faithful witness for Christ and be challenged to engage in God’s great rescue plan. After the lesson, children will hear the missionary story of Lucy Laney, a missions minded teacher in the USA.

Lesson 6: You don’t have to wait to be a grownup to tell people about Jesus! The children you teach can tell their family, friends, classmates, and neighbors about who Jesus is and what he has done for them. In this lesson, Christian children will be challenged to share the gospel and encouraged to pray for the spread of the gospel as you explain what the gospel is and help them practice and prepare to share God’s good news with others. After the lesson, children will hear the missionary story of Dr. Bob Foster, a missionary to Africa. (If you’re using this series for Vacation Bible School, you can use this topical lesson as a follow-up finale lesson during Sunday School or Children’s Church the week after your VBS.)


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