God’s Attributes for Kids! Curriculum Kit

God’s Attributes for Kids! Curriculum Kit


God’s Attributes for Kids!
Curriculum Kit

What is God like? The Bible has answers and this free Curriculum Kit has resources to help you use Scripture and play-based learning to teach kids 15 of God’s awesome attributes! This kit features 17 lessons based on our popular God’s Attributes for Kids! family devotional that have been formatted for classroom use with a memory verse, activities, and review game structured into the leader guide for each lesson. It’s ideal for classroom use in Sunday School, Children’s Church, homeschool, or a mid-week program for children.

  • 17 individual lesson plans with easy-to-use instructions for leaders!
  • Song ideas, memory verses, games, and activities in every lesson!
  • A blend of interactive Scripture readings from both the Old Testament and New Testament!
  • Discussion questions to help students personalize and apply the lessons!
  • Regular intentional opportunities to explain gospel truths!
  • 80+ printables! (coloring pages, visuals, posters, etc.)
  • PPT slideshows for each lesson about the attributes of God.

This kit includes lessons about these attributes of God: Infinite, Triune, Creator, Eternal, Sovereign, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Self-Sufficient, Holy, Gracious, Merciful, Just, Faithful, and Immutable.


Please note: This product is a large digital download. You will receive a link to download the files after completing the check-out process. Due to the large nature of these files, some of them will be delivered in a zip file which you must download and save before you can extract and use the files. Additionally, you will also receive download links for several individual files. These files are too large to download on a phone. Please use a computer for the best possible experience.

Using This Curriculum Kit

Who is God? Our answer to this question is supremely important. The lessons in this kit introduce children to God by teaching one of his awesome attributes in each lesson. The content is designed to be interactive and engaging to help children learn in a way that is both natural and fun as you study God’s Word together and discover who he reveals himself to be. Here’s a closer look at what to expect and how to use each lesson. Resources that you’ll need to print or gather ahead of time are bolded in the lesson text to help you see at-a-glance what you need to prepare as you get ready to teach.

Each attribute is introduced with a brief devotional for you to read or summarize. Pictures related to the introduction as well as a definition poster are included to help capture the children’s attention. Repeat the attribute’s definition and use the suggested motions to help the children remember that particular attribute of God.

Key Verse
There is a key verse suggested to emphasize each of God’s attributes along with a simple game to help children begin learning the verse as you repeat it over and over again in a fun way. Help the children find and read this key verse in their Bibles. Perhaps even underline and bookmark the verse for easy review. This section also includes references for additional key verses that you can read and discuss with the children to help them understand that God clearly reveals his attributes to us in the Bible.

Praise & Worship
Songs are recommended to help you praise God for his amazing attributes. These songs are available on YouTube and Spotify for family use. For group/classroom use, follow the website link provided with each song to obtain permission for group use.

Scripture Reading
There are Bible passages for you to read, act out, and discuss together as you look for ways God shows his attributes in the pages of Scripture. Children could take turns reading the verses from the Bible or they can act out what’s happening in the passage. There are also pictures or items recommended that you can use to engage the children.

Review Game
Discussion questions are included along with a fun game idea to help you reinforce and review the truths about each attribute. Often, these questions will highlight Bible events or gospel truths that emphasize the attribute you’re learning about. Don’t rush through this. Take time to dwell on and discuss the questions to deepen the children’s understanding.

Each lesson ends with a play-based activity to help children respond to what they’ve learned about God in an interactive way. Most of these activities will include a time of prayer and discussion. A coloring page is included to help engage the children as you lead.


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