God’s Attributes for Kids! Family Devotions
God’s Attributes for Kids!
Who is God? Our answer to this question is supremely important. This daily devotional introduces children to God by teaching 15 of his awesome attributes. The content is designed to be interactive and engaging to help children learn in a way that is both natural and fun as you study God’s Word together and discover who he reveals himself to be.
This devotional is designed for you to complete one page per day as you spend two days covering the material for each topic. You can plan to set aside 10-15 minutes per day as you use this family devotional to introduce your children to who God is.
- 31+ interactive Daily Devotionals for families!
- Kid-friendly definitions for 15 of God’s attributes!
- 17 colorful teaching posters!
- 17 coloring pages with key verses!
- Printable flashcards for review!
- Memory verse and song ideas!
- Hands-on activities to enhance learning!
This daily devotional includes teaching on these attributes of God: Infinite, Triune, Creator, Eternal, Sovereign, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Self-Sufficient, Holy, Gracious, Merciful, Just, Faithful, and Immutable.
Please note: This product is a digital download. You will receive a link to download the files after completing the check-out process. In addition to the daily devotional material, there are separate PDF files of printable posters, coloring pages, and flashcards included to help you teach the definitions and key verses for each of the attributes. You will receive one email with a separate download link for each of these PDF files.
Using This Daily Devotional
You may want to print this daily devotional and keep it in a binder for easy use. Or you can save it to a laptop, tablet, phone, or other device to view it digitally with your children. You will also need a Bible to complete each daily devotional page, so be sure to have a copy of God’s Word on hand as you get started. As you spend two days (one page per day) enjoying the lesson for each topic, you will lead your children through several simple and fun activities each day. Here’s a closer look at what to expect in your daily devotions.
Each attribute is introduced with a brief devotional for you to read together. There is also a small picture that relates to the introduction to help capture the children’s attention. Each introduction includes the attribute’s definition and suggested motions that you can do together to help the children remember that particular attribute of God.
Key Verse
There is a key verse suggested to emphasize each of God’s attributes along with a simple game to help children begin learning the verse as you repeat it over and over again in a fun way. Help the children find and read this key verse in their Bibles. Perhaps even underline and bookmark the verse for easy review. This section also includes references for additional key verses that you can read and discuss with the children to help them understand that God clearly reveals his attributes to us in the Bible.
Praise & Worship
Each day there is a new song recommended for you to listen to and sing together as you praise God for his amazing attributes. For maximum effect, don’t just listen to these songs once, sing along to them as you go through your day to focus your heart and mind on God. (See Spotify and YouTube playlists for family use below. For classroom/group use, you must use the website link provided with each song to obtain proper permissions to use the song in a group setting. )
Scripture Reading
God’s Word shows us his attributes in action! There are suggested Bible passages for you to read, act out, and discuss together as you look for ways God shows his attributes in the pages of Scripture. If you’re teaching several children, they could each take turns reading several verses from the Bible. Young children can act out what’s happening in the Scripture passage. Ask the children how these verses show the attribute you are learning about today.
Discussion Time
Discussion questions will help you guide conversations about each attribute with your children. Often, these questions will highlight Bible events or gospel truths that emphasize the attribute you’re learning about. You may want to let children decorate the coloring page for the corresponding attribute as you discuss the questions together. If desired, this can also be a fun time to serve a simple snack for the children to enjoy while you talk with them about ways God’s attributes impact our daily lives.
Your focus on each attribute will finish with a play-based activity to help children respond to what they’ve learned about God in an interactive way. Some of these activities will require common household items as supplies, so make sure to read through this section and prepare what you need ahead of time. Most of these activities will also include a time of prayer.
Music Playlists
FOR FAMILY USE ONLY: God’s Attributes for Kids! Spotify playlist (For classroom use, you must use the website link provided with each song in the devotional book to obtain proper permissions to use the song in a group setting. )
FOR FAMILY USE ONLY: God’s Attributes for Kids! YouTube Playlist (For classroom use, you must use the website link provided with each song in the devotional book to obtain proper permissions to use the song in a group setting. )

Pam Workman –
I am looking forward to using this resource. All of the Kids Enjoying Jesus products are quality. They easily engage the students but also the teachers! Each resource makes it compelling to share with children. When children capture in their hearts the nature of God it helps them to make the right choices day by day. I appreciate the time and thoughtfulness that goes into creating a resource like this which helps me be a better teacher.
Nathan Hamilton –
Thanks for your feedback and for your own investment in teaching the next generation about our awesome God.