The Greatest Freedom! Lesson for Kids
The Greatest Freedom!
Americans celebrate freedom on the 4th of July. Many other nations also set aside special holidays to celebrate different kinds of freedom, but there is one freedom that is greater and grander than all others. This Bible-based object lesson celebrates the Savior who gives people freedom from the penalty, power, and presence of sin! This is the greatest freedom of all time and it’s freely available to people of every tribe, tongue, and nation. This interactive object lesson uses a paper chain and key to illustrate these concepts in an engaging and kid-friendly way.
This free download includes printable visuals, PPT slides, game ideas, memory verse (Romans 5:8), and other activities to help children learn about being set free from sin by Jesus. This is the greatest freedom of all!
Lesson Overview
Big Idea: I need Jesus to free me from sin!
Key Verse: Romans 5:8 “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Lesson: The Greatest Freedom!
Activity: Paper Chain Craft
Review Game: Indoor Fireworks!
Lesson Excerpt: Do you know what Americans celebrate on the 4th of July? The 4th of July is a day when Americans celebrate their freedom. Americans celebrate their freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and many other freedoms on the 4th of July. Many other countries also have special days to celebrate their freedoms. I want to tell you about the greatest freedom of all! This freedom is for people all around the world. All people in the world need to be set free from sin. Sin is the worst problem of all time because it separates you from God who made and loves you.
This is a terrible problem! We need to be set free from sin. That’s why God sent Jesus to the world many years ago. Jesus has always been free from sin because he is always perfectly good and right. He told people that he came to set them free from sin. (Read John 8:36 and hold up the giant key with JESUS written on it.) Only Jesus, the Son of God, can set people free from sin. We’re going to take turns breaking the links in this chain and reading the verses inside to learn about how Jesus sets people free from sin.
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