The Best Party Ever! Lesson about Heaven

The Best Party Ever! Lesson about Heaven


The Best Party Ever!

You’re invited to the greatest celebration of all time! God offers us the most staggering, stunning, extravagant invitation in the whole world – the invitation to belong to him forever and join him in Heaven someday! In this gospel-focused lesson, children will learn that God invites them to life forever with him as they see what Scripture says about Heaven and how to get there. They will be encouraged to trust in Jesus to receive God’s invitation to his epic party that will never end! 

This Bible lesson that’s perfect for any party is a free digital download that includes an interactive lesson, memory verse ideas, games, printable visuals, a coloring page, and PPT slides to help you teach children about WHO is invited to Heaven, WHAT Heaven is like, WHY God invites people to Heaven, HOW to get to Heaven, and other common questions kids have about Heaven.


This lesson is a digital download. Due to the large nature of the lesson files, it usually works best to use a computer and not a mobile device to download and view the files.

Lesson Overview

Big Idea: God invites me to be with him forever!

Key Verse: John 10:28 “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”

Lesson: The Best Party Ever!

Activity: Heaven or Not?

Review Game: Balloon Pop Points

Lesson Sample: The Best Party Ever!

Say: What does God say he will make? What will it be like? God will make new heavens and a brand new earth WHERE everything is perfect again! This incredible place is called Heaven and it’s always full of joy, gladness, and happiness. It will be perfect and amazing, like the world was before sin came. Even the animals won’t hurt or destroy each other anymore. No one will be hurt or sad, and no one will die. It will be an amazing place! Living in this awesome home with God forever will be better than any party that you would possibly imagine in this world. What’s the Big Idea? God invites me to be with him forever!

Do: Have a child pop balloon #4 and show everyone the “NO” sign. Have everyone turn to Revelation 21:3-4 in their Bibles and read it together.

Say: God says WHAT life will be like in the Heaven as God’s family celebrates with him forever. What does God say will be in Heaven? What will not be there? There will be lots of “no’s” there. NO sin, NO sadness, NO death, NO crying, NO pain or disease! All of those things will be gone FOREVER! Never again will sin spoil God’s beautiful creation. Everyone there will always be perfectly happy and healthy forever. This is way better than any party you could imagine and God invites you to be there! What’s the Big Idea? God invites me to be with him forever!

Do: Have a child pop balloon #5 and show everyone the picture of gold. Have everyone turn to Revelation 21:18-27 in their Bibles and read it together.

Say: What else does God say will be in Heaven? What else will not be there? God’s family will live in a huge city made of treasure with golden streets and buildings! There will be awesome places to explore, incredible things to learn, and amazing things to do. But the best part of all is Jesus (the Lamb) will be there! We will worship and adore him, because he is the King of kings and Lord of lords who loves us and saves us! There will be wonderful, beautiful music, and people from all over the world who have trusted Jesus to take away their sins will be together celebrating and worshiping God. Talk about a party! It will go on like this forever and you’re invited! What’s the Big Idea? God invites me to be with him forever!

Do: Have a child pop balloon #6 and show everyone the picture of the nails. Have everyone turn to Revelation 5:9-13 in their Bibles and read it together.

Say: God tells us HOW this party is possible. This is a song that will be sung in Heaven. How are all these people able to be in Heaven? Who made the way for them to live with God forever? It’s all possible because of Jesus. He is God’s perfect Son who came to earth as a baby to rescue people from sin. When he grew up, he taught people about God, and then when God’s time was right, he allowed men to nail him to a cross where he suffered, bled, and died to take the punishment for your sins and mine. But on the third day, he came alive again! He is alive with God today, preparing this wonderful party that he invites you to attend! What’s the Big Idea? God invites me to be with him forever!


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