Tag: Parenting Tips

Helping children learn about Jesus

Teaching Kids the Sanctity of Life

In 2019, abortion ended more than twice as many lives as cancer, alcohol, smoking, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and traffic accidents combined. This tragic loss of human life should remind us how important it is to share the truth that every person is created and loved by God. Children need to know the immeasurable value God places…
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5 Tips for Memorizing Scripture

Did you know that back in Jesus’ day, Jewish boys would learn to recite the first five books of the Bible (even Leviticus) by the age of 12!? Memorizing Scripture may seem difficult sometimes, but it is possible. I’ve never memorized the Torah, but I have been memorizing the book of Philippians. So far, I’ve…
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A Meaningful Mother’s Day! Activities for Kids

Did you know a mother elephant seal can lose 600 pounds in one month while she’s nursing her pup!? (And now some of my readers are feeling jealous of elephant seals for the first time in their lives.) Did you know African elephants have pregnancies that last almost 2 years!? (The aforementioned readers are no…
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Animal Superpowers! Object Lesson

Did you know Cuttlefish can change the color and shape of their skin and even their eyes to camouflage themselves!? In the blink of an eye, these marine masters of disguise seem to totally disappear! God created countless creatures with amazing abilities that sometimes remind us of comic book superpowers. But as awe-inspiring as these…
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Stepping Over the Fences

Can you picture two young black American girls playing and having the time of their lives with a German white elderly couple? A sweet friendship formed because of the innocence and curiosity of two little girls and the kindness extended by the Wagners. We called them our Oma and Opa, they were our German grandparents…
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12 Quarantine Activities for Kids

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been starting to have a case of the “blahs” this week (if you’re an extrovert you probably reached this point long before now!). Mostly-introvert that I am, even I’m getting weary of sameness. Maybe these play-based Bible activities will add some pizzazz to your days! We tried to…
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5 Ways to Help Kids in Anxious Times

Last week my oldest son and a couple friends were talking about ceiling fans—specifically ceiling fans falling out of the ceiling and hitting them on the head. I did my best to assure them that falling ceiling fans isn’t something they need to think or worry about. We talked about studs and sturdy construction and…
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Ten Questions to Ask Kids After Church

Sunday morning can be a busy time for families. In all the hubbub of making sure everyone has their shoes on (not to mention pants!), listening to the sermon, chatting with friends, loading back in the car, and feeding everyone lunch afterward, it can be easy to totally lose touch with what kids are experiencing…
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How to Help Kids Write an Email to a Missionary.

When I was a kid, missionaries were my heroes. I loved it when they visited our church or when we’d get their newsletters in the mail. As soon as I was old enough for my own email address, I kept in touch with several missionary families. Now that I’m a missionary myself I see how…
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Super Simple Treasure Hunts for Kids

What do slimy snails, crunchy leaves, rough tree bark, fragile flowers, and deceptively innocent looking poison ivy have in common? TREASURE HUNTS!!! Kids love treasure hunts! My kids are no exception and they thoroughly enjoyed finding these things during our “Touch & Feel Treasure Hunt” in the park. (Btw, we didn’t let them touch the…
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