Tag: Parenting Tips

Helping children learn about Jesus

A “Thank You!” Game for Kids

My Party girl is belting out “CHICKA-DEE-DEE-DEE!” along with the birds and frogs as they herald the arrival of spring! My allergies join the chorus with reckless abandon as I relax in a lawn chair pushing my darling daughter on the swing. For my kids, spring time might as well be “swing time.” All of…
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Pizza with a Purpose

Pizza and oatmeal are currently tied for 1st as the all time favorite meals in our house. I’m personally not too keen on oatmeal, but I REALLY like pizza! I like to make it. I like to eat it. And I like to use it to have purposeful fun with kids. The next time you’re…
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Easy Games for Looooooong Road Trips

“Mom! He’s looking at me again!” “Dad! Her left thumbnail just crossed the invisible yet clearly defined boundary that separates my area of the couch from hers.” “Mom! I know the baby is screaming at the top of her lungs in a rear-facing car seat that situates her mouth less than 3 feet from your…
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Snow Day Sunday School

What was God doing in 1901 when the vacuum cleaner was invented? He was loving YOU! Church may have been snowed out this week, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying Jesus at home as we learned about His steadfast love that has always existed–even before microwaves were invented in 1946! Going to church is…
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Think Skink

My beloved boy left the back door open this morning and unwittingly welcomed a cold blooded intruder into our house. Upon discovering the beady-eyed interloper, my son leapt into action and captured him inside a boot. Thankfully this particular visitor was only about 6 inches long and quite easily overpowered. With the trespasser safely contained,…
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