Tag: creation

Helping children learn about Jesus

Teaching Kids the Sanctity of Life

In 2019, abortion ended more than twice as many lives as cancer, alcohol, smoking, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and traffic accidents combined. This tragic loss of human life should remind us how important it is to share the truth that every person is created and loved by God. Children need to know the immeasurable value God places…
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Dinosaurs are Good News for Kids (part 3)

Kids love dinosaurs and I like using dinosaur facts, toys, pictures, and activities in Sunday School, Good News Club, AWANA, and at home to teach kids about God, the Creator. I’ve put together some FREE tips and tools to help you do it too! Kids regularly bound into church decked out in dinosaur t-shirts, backpacks,…
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It’s a tiny SNAKE!!!

Snakes are really cool so you can imagine how excited my kiddos were to discover this one in our own backyard. (The snake was initially slightly less enthusiastic about their chance encounter, but once assured that we had no intention of eating him, he became much more compliant and even rather photogenic.) I’m really thankful…
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Dinosaurs are Good News for Kids (part 2)

How many different kinds of dinosaurs can you name? Do you know what kinds of dinosaurs these are? If you’ve got some kids nearby, call them over to join you in guessing the names of each dinosaur in this picture. (No fair using Google!) I’ll reveal the correct answers at the end of this article.…
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Super Simple Treasure Hunts for Kids

What do slimy snails, crunchy leaves, rough tree bark, fragile flowers, and deceptively innocent looking poison ivy have in common? TREASURE HUNTS!!! Kids love treasure hunts! My kids are no exception and they thoroughly enjoyed finding these things during our “Touch & Feel Treasure Hunt” in the park. (Btw, we didn’t let them touch the…
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Dinosaurs are Good News for Kids! (part 1)

“What’s your favorite dinosaur?” That’s a question most adults never ask each other. It’s like they don’t even care! Thankfully I serve in children’s ministry; the mysterious lost world where dinosaur mania is alive and well. Kids are fascinated by dinosaurs and experience has taught me that talking about dinosaurs is a great way to…
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Think Skink

My beloved boy left the back door open this morning and unwittingly welcomed a cold blooded intruder into our house. Upon discovering the beady-eyed interloper, my son leapt into action and captured him inside a boot. Thankfully this particular visitor was only about 6 inches long and quite easily overpowered. With the trespasser safely contained,…
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Amazing Animals that Point Kids to God

From lizards that run on water to luminescent sharks, we are literally surrounded by epic object lessons that will help kids discover and enjoy the majesty and power of Jesus! Most kids are fascinated by extremes in nature. The biggest, smallest, fastest, oldest, or even deadliest specimens capture their attention and meld into their memory.…
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