Super Thankful for Jesus!

Super Thankful for Jesus!


Super Thankful! Bible Lesson

The nearest star in the night sky is so far away that a speeding jet would take more than five million years to reach it! We can see stars that are billions of miles away because they are super bright. In this gospel-focused lesson, children will learn that being super thankful for Jesus makes us shine like stars in a world full of sin. Because of Jesus, we always have the greatest reason ever to be super thankful no matter what happens. After the lesson, you will also introduce children to some real-life Christian heroes who shined with thankfulness for Jesus during some of the most difficult conditions imaginable. Pray for God to help the children believe the gospel and practice extreme gratitude for Jesus.


This lesson will be delivered as a digital PDF file. The PDF leader guide includes the teacher’s text for the lesson as well as printable visuals and  activity ideas to help kids learn about giving thanks. A PPT slideshow is included as a separate downloadable file.

Big Idea: I’m super thankful for Jesus!

Key Verse: Philippians 2:14-15b NIV “Do everything without grumbling or arguing. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.”

Story Excerpt: Do you know how far away the stars are? Many stars are billions of miles away from us, but we are still able to see them because they are super bright. The Bible tells us about a way that we can shine like stars in the sky. We all grumble (complain) and argue. Maybe you complain or argue when your parents tell you it’s time to stop playing a game or when you have to eat something that isn’t your favorite. Maybe you want to complain because you have a painful disease or disability that makes life hard for you. We come up with many reasons to grumble and argue, but there is an even bigger reason to give thanks instead. God’s Son, Jesus, can save you from sin! If you have trusted Jesus to save you from sin, no matter what happens, you can know you always belong to God and will never be separated from him. That’s the greatest reason ever to be thankful. What’s the Big Idea? I’m super thankful for Jesus! Complaining and arguing are so normal in our world that when you are thankful instead of grumbling, it makes you stand out sort of like a bright star stands out in the dark sky. When people see you being thankful instead of complaining, it can help them want to know Jesus and be super thankful too. When you feel like complaining or arguing, you can ask God to help you be thankful for Jesus instead. He is worth it!


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