Author: Nathan Hamilton

Helping children learn about Jesus


What do you do to help kids understand that Thanksgiving is much more than turkey or pumpkin pie? How do you help kids develop habits of thanksgiving that extend beyond the holiday season? How can you use flashlights, scavenger hunts, hide & seek, songs, and the alphabet to teach kids about thanking God? It doesn’t…
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5 Pumpkin Praise Games for Kids

It’s pumpkin season! For the record, pumpkin spice anything is gross in my humble opinion, but I’m still pretty fond of pumpkins because it’s so easy to use them to have fun praising God with kids. You’re probably already familiar with the concept of pumpkin carving or painting, but have you ever tried pumpkin praising?…
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Back to School Bible Lesson for Kids

Kids across the country are heading back to school to learn reading, writing, and all kinds of other stuff. This is a fantastic opportunity to teach them about God who never needs to learn because he already knows EVERYTHING. God knows EVERYTHING about animals, colors, the Bible, cartoons, and kids. That’s a super important truth…
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God’s Love – Too Big To Measure!

Do you know how wide the biggest waffle in the world was? Do you know how long a Stegosaurus tail spike could be? You can measure out BIG things like dinosaurs, world records, and more to teach kids an object lesson about God’s BIG love! This object lesson is adapted from lesson 16 of our…
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Meet The Pastor! Activity for Kids

God has given the Church pastors who follow and teach the Bible to help us love and follow him. My kids LOVE our pastors and we pray for them every day. (My 5 year old considers it her job to make sure our senior pastor gets hugged every week.) Good pastors are a gift from…
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A Meaningful Mother’s Day! Activities for Kids

Did you know a mother elephant seal can lose 600 pounds in one month while she’s nursing her pup!? (And now some of my readers are feeling jealous of elephant seals for the first time in their lives.) Did you know African elephants have pregnancies that last almost 2 years!? (The aforementioned readers are no…
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How to Teach Kids about Palm Sunday

Centuries ago, crowds waved palm branches and shouted “Hosanna!” as the promised Messiah rode into Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt. Days later, large crowds cried out for his tortuous execution. What went wrong? NOTHING! Jesus accomplished exactly what he planned all along by laying down his perfect life to save sinners like you and me.…
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Animal Superpowers! Object Lesson

Did you know Cuttlefish can change the color and shape of their skin and even their eyes to camouflage themselves!? In the blink of an eye, these marine masters of disguise seem to totally disappear! God created countless creatures with amazing abilities that sometimes remind us of comic book superpowers. But as awe-inspiring as these…
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10 Easy Bible Verse Memory Games

“Fathers, do not POKE your children!” That’s what my 4 year old said when I asked what her new memory verse was. My wife has recently been teaching Ephesians 6:1-4 to our little ones bit by bit and apparently when they started verse 4, my Party Girl thought “provoke” sounded a lot like “poke.” This…
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Easter Egg Bible Lesson for Kids!

Lots of families and churches use Easter eggs every year, but did you know you can use frog eggs, snake eggs, turtle eggs, and even dinosaur eggs to share the truth of Christ’s resurrection and the history of Easter eggs with kids? Christians have incorporated fancy eggs into Easter celebrations for centuries and have long…
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