Choose God’s Ways – Training Manual
Choose God’s Ways
Children’s choices are influenced by a myriad of voices – entertainment, peers, culture, politics, etc. You as a parent, Sunday school teacher or children’s worker are one of the key voices speaking into the lives of the children around you. You have the high honor of helping children hear God’s guiding voice and choose God’s ways! This book provides Biblical teaching, insights, inspiration and practical ideas to help believing children know God’s way is best and embrace a life of following God’s commands.
This booklet is a small group/self-training resource designed to help you as you teach (formally), talk (informally) and walk (live out) the truths of God’s Word to children. Our prayer is that as you work through the various sections of this book, not only your skills in communicating truth from God’s Word to children will develop, but also that your life and personal relationship with him will be enriched.
We’re thankful to our friends in ministry who developed this resource and have graciously allowed us to freely share it with others.
It is recommended that you use this training manual in conjunction with the ideas, lessons, and activities available in the FREE “Enjoying God” series from Kids Enjoying Jesus. This series will provide instructions and ideas that you can use to implement the concepts from this training manual as you help children enjoy God as their Creator, King, and Shepherd!
Choose God’s Ways © 2022 Child Evangelism Fellowship of Europe. All rights reserved.
D6:7 resources are offered freely as digital downloads ( For more information about printing these resources please contact CEF of Europe at:
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