My kids often enjoy Scripture songs while they ride in the car, mix up a batch of waffles (with unicorn fluff, of course), or brush their hair. In this guest post, award-winning children’s author Danika Cooley shares some of her favorite sources of Scripture songs for families. We use some of these songs in our home and my prayer is that other families will discover and use this memory verse music to hide God’s Word in their hearts. Enjoy! – Nathan Hamilton, Kids Enjoying Jesus Team Leader
Want help memorizing Bible verses with kids? One great way to memorize Bible verses is to listen to Scripture in song. Here are some options.
During my elementary school years, I attended Christian schools.
One of the greatest gifts to me during that time was the memorization of Scripture verses.
Though it was many years before I gave my heart, soul, mind, and strength to Jesus–saved by grace through faith, the Bible verses I memorized returned to my mind at key moments in my life.
Now, I can look back and see how the Holy Spirit used his Word to call me to truth in Christ.
For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
and do not return there but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.Isaiah 55:10-11
When we help our kids memorize Bible verses, we give them a significant and important gift.
Memory Verse Music for Families to Sing!
Do you want to memorize Bible verses with your kids? There are so many ways to do it.
One of the most effective (and let’s be honest–easiest) ways to memorize Bible verses with kids is through Scripture in song. And there are LOTS of great songs available.
Here are three great options for memorizing Bible verses with kids through Scripture set to music:
Please note that YouTube rules specify that content on the site should only be accessed for personal, non-commercial use except where the owner has given prior written consent. This means you may use these suggested YouTube music videos with your family, but you should ensure that you have proper permission from the video owner prior to showing it in your church or other group setting
Seeds Family Worship – From the Seeds Family Worship website: “Seeds creates Scripture memory songs for kids by setting verses from the Bible to music. We have a library of 176 songs and 250 videos written to word-for-word Scripture that makes memorizing the Bible easy and fun. Our songs are written for kids but also made to be enjoyed by all members of the family.” These songs and videos are a great way to help kids memorize Scripture!
Songs for Saplings – Dana Dirksen writes and sings the Scripture songs and catechism songs. From the site: “Songs for Saplings is a non-profit organization that is providing music that clearly communicates Scripture and its rich truths in clear, memorable and very enjoyable ways.”
Songs from Scripture / Abe and Liza Philip – The animation on these videos for kids is so cute. The Philips’ music is available in albums as well. Check out what their website says: “Our prayer is that God’s Word in these song and hymns would be life-changing for you. We hope you’re inspired to dive deeper into Scripture for yourself and that you are always refreshed in the good news of God’s undeserved kindness to us in Jesus Christ.”
It is so important to memorize Bible verses with our kids. It is an effective way of helping them hide God’s Word in their hearts. God’s Word always accomplishes God’s purpose. His Word never returns empty.
Do you use Scripture memory songs for kids in your home or church? Please leave a comment below to tell us about your favorites and check out the resources below for more ways to help your kids learn and love the Bible!

Danika Cooley’s book Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible is your crash course on teaching the Bible to your kids. Danika is an award-winning children’s author and Bible curriculum developer, and her popular Bible Road Trip™ is used by tens of thousands of families.
- Memory Verse Music for Families to Sing - June 8, 2021
4 Responses
Thanks for sharing these great Bible verses! These are super helpful and I can really use these for my next Sunday School lesson.
[…] love this list of other Bible verses set to song as […]
I lead children’s worship for about 30 kids over 2 services. I was hoping to get permission to use your videos. May I get permission?
I can only give permission for you to use the videos I own and I am not the copyright holder for any of the videos in this article. The videos in this article are owned by artists/publishers other than Kids Enjoying Jesus and you will need to contact them directly to receive their permission. As for videos belonging to Kids Enjoying Jesus (those available at YouTube.com/KidsEnjoyingJesus), you may absolutely use those videos in your children’s ministry.