Author: Ashley Alden

Helping children learn about Jesus

10 Meaningful Christmas Activities for Kids

Kids love Christmas! The lights, the treats, the PRESENTS. But most of all we want our kids to know that Christmas is about Jesus. Here are 10 easy, low-prep ideas to help you focus your children’s hearts on Jesus as they anticipate Christmas. These ideas all came from our FREE Enjoying Advent! Activity Guide. It’s…
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The Gospel Pumpkin

Fall is the season of pumpkins (at least where we live) and all sorts of pumpkin-related activities. As the mom of two active boys, I enjoy multiple visits to the pumpkin patch, choosing pumpkins, painting pumpkins, passing a pumpkin around the table as we say things we’re thankful for, and writing things we’re thankful for…
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10 Bible Time Family Favorites

These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things I enjoy lots of things. Reading. Coffee. Friends. A good movie. Kid snuggles. Sleep. Not necessarily in that order. One thing I REALLY enjoy is learning about new resources to help me and my kids know and enjoy Jesus more. So, Nathan and I put our heads…
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Talking to Kids About Kindness

If you’re watching the news and keeping up with current events, you’re probably struck by the brokenness of our world. The world has always been broken, but right now the brokenness and sadness are on full display for all to see. I’ve been struck by the brokenness, but also have been wondering… what do I…
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12 Quarantine Activities for Kids

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been starting to have a case of the “blahs” this week (if you’re an extrovert you probably reached this point long before now!). Mostly-introvert that I am, even I’m getting weary of sameness. Maybe these play-based Bible activities will add some pizzazz to your days! We tried to…
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5 Ways to Help Kids in Anxious Times

Last week my oldest son and a couple friends were talking about ceiling fans—specifically ceiling fans falling out of the ceiling and hitting them on the head. I did my best to assure them that falling ceiling fans isn’t something they need to think or worry about. We talked about studs and sturdy construction and…
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Gospel Caterpillars Preschool Craft

Is there anything more alluring to a group of preschoolers than bottles of glue and colorful pom-poms? I think not! Here’s a fun, easy craft for your preschool crowd that is also a fun, easy, and kind of cute way to share the Gospel with them! Preschoolers do best with multi-sensory activities, and this one…
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