Category: Missions

Helping children learn about Jesus

St. Patrick’s Day Activities for Kids

Did you know St. Patrick wasn’t Irish? Or that he was kidnapped by pirates? Or that someone tried to poison him? I want to share lots of games, activities, songs, printables, a memory verse, and even a FREE lesson that you can use to share God’s love with kids in your home, church, or community…
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The Gospel Pumpkin

Fall is the season of pumpkins (at least where we live) and all sorts of pumpkin-related activities. As the mom of two active boys, I enjoy multiple visits to the pumpkin patch, choosing pumpkins, painting pumpkins, passing a pumpkin around the table as we say things we’re thankful for, and writing things we’re thankful for…
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How to Help Kids Write an Email to a Missionary.

When I was a kid, missionaries were my heroes. I loved it when they visited our church or when we’d get their newsletters in the mail. As soon as I was old enough for my own email address, I kept in touch with several missionary families. Now that I’m a missionary myself I see how…
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Pizza Party for Jesus!

Have you ever wondered what role pizza played in launching me into ministry? (You’ve probably never wondered it before, but I’ll bet you’re wondering it now!) God used pizza in some pretty cool ways to teach me the importance of showing the love of Jesus to all kinds of people. Here’s an older picture of…
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