Category: Holidays

Helping children learn about Jesus

10 Meaningful Christmas Activities for Kids

Kids love Christmas! The lights, the treats, the PRESENTS. But most of all we want our kids to know that Christmas is about Jesus. Here are 10 easy, low-prep ideas to help you focus your children’s hearts on Jesus as they anticipate Christmas. These ideas all came from our FREE Enjoying Advent! Activity Guide. It’s…
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How to Talk to Kids About the Easter Bunny

I have fond memories of biking to my cousin’s house in the wee hours of Easter morning to hide a goose’s egg in his rabbit’s hutch. This annual event was my family’s sole association with the Easter Bunny. Ironically, I care more about the Easter Bunny as an adult than I did as a kid…
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St. Patrick’s Day Activities for Kids

Did you know St. Patrick wasn’t Irish? Or that he was kidnapped by pirates? Or that someone tried to poison him? I want to share lots of games, activities, songs, printables, a memory verse, and even a FREE lesson that you can use to share God’s love with kids in your home, church, or community…
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10 Valentine’s Day Activities for Kids

What do dinosaurs, ancient Rome, puzzles, crazy hearts, and Bible drills have in common? You can use them all to prepare Valentine’s Day games, activities, songs, and stories to celebrate God’s love with kids! Valentine’s Day is a lovely opportunity to teach kids about God’s love! Here are ten ready-to-go ideas to help you incorporate…
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10 Christmas Tree Activities for Kids

Christmas trees are fun! They are also an excellent springboard for meaningful conversations and activities with children in your church or home. Here are 10 fun ways you can use Christmas trees to enjoy Jesus with kids. For dozens more Christmas and Advent ideas for kids, check out our FREE download, Enjoying Advent!, it’s got…
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He Is Worthy! Thanksgiving Devo for Kids

What comes to your mind when you think about Thanksgiving? I’m guessing you probably don’t think about the world’s deepest trench or largest desert. But these are exactly the types of things mentioned in Psalm 95 as the psalmist exhorts his readers to praise God with thanksgiving. I want to show you a simple lesson/devotional…
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The Gospel Pumpkin

Fall is the season of pumpkins (at least where we live) and all sorts of pumpkin-related activities. As the mom of two active boys, I enjoy multiple visits to the pumpkin patch, choosing pumpkins, painting pumpkins, passing a pumpkin around the table as we say things we’re thankful for, and writing things we’re thankful for…
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Father’s Day Fun With Purpose

What pops into your mind when you think of Father’s Day? A new tie? Dad jokes? (Hi hungry! I’m Dad!) Memories of your father? Father’s Day inevitably makes me thankful for my perfect Heavenly Father and I love using Father’s Day as an opportunity to teach kids about Him! I’ve put together some ideas to…
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Glowing with Thanks! Object Lesson

Ever since I was little, I’ve been fascinated by things that glow in the dark! Glowing bugs, glowing toys, glowing fish, glowing stars stuck on the ceiling – I am drawn to all things bright and shiny! Kids love things that glow in the dark, and we can use a glow in the dark object…
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What do you do to help kids understand that Thanksgiving is much more than turkey or pumpkin pie? How do you help kids develop habits of thanksgiving that extend beyond the holiday season? How can you use flashlights, scavenger hunts, hide & seek, songs, and the alphabet to teach kids about thanking God? It doesn’t…
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